Let the gravel roads take you on a scenic tour of Madison County...

  • Signage

    We will have signage out at major intersections. Google maps is your best bet for finding the stops easily.

  • Google Map link to all business on the Fall Crawl

    Google Map Link

    This link provides you with an easily clickable link to Google Maps with all the Madison County Fall Crawl stops. Check it out to see where the best place is to start. Check out start times here..We suggest Pammel Park Coffee, The Drift or Judge Lewis House B&B. These business will be serving hot coffee, breakfast items or have breakfast food vendors.

  • Restrooms

    Most businesses on the crawl will have a public bathroom, while they may not be as backroads as the photo; they will still get the job done.

County Road etiquette

Please keep in mind others when traveling during the fall crawl. Please drive slow when parking and around groups of people.

If you choose to drink, have a designated driver. Don’t drink and drive.

Have a plan if you do drink to much. Call a friend.

Madison County Fall Crawl Directions

Madison County Fall Crawl Directions

Google maps QR code showing here with a direct link to Google maps. Click the link to find out more.